Sunday, March 10, 2019

Post Unlimited Selector Meta

So we are about 3 weeks into the new all star meta and sure enough, it was a very huge shift with LRIGs once thought to never be meta actually appearing at the top to already top meta LRIGs holding their spot with new cards. With that lets take a lot at the more prominent LRIGs of this meta!


With the introduction of Phalanx, Arm-Weapon Tama decks improved in consistency, allowing them to ensure Aias and Arc Eigis does not run out in their deck and have more means in opening SIGNI zones.

Red Winged Tama also see some play mainly for its on-play, allowing players to easily retrieve Aias and Phalanx to set up the perfect field of Aias, Phalanx and Surface-to-Air or Arc Eigis.

However despite these new addition, Tama is still behind many of the more defensive decks like Nanashi and Tawil. Instead of the Arm-Weapon build, the Become You variant of Tama is seeing more play in this meta, looking to kill the opponent fast before they can set up their defensive response.

Winning decklist of Arm-Weapon Tama


Arguably one of the strongest LRIG currently. Her new level 4 LRIG is basically an upgraded version of the one from WX06. Still retaining her signature "Return 7 to trash" effect, it now becomes an attack phase coin skill which makes her even more defensive, allowing an extra 4 response from the LRIG alone (At the moment, Tawil can only get 4 coins at most).

To aid her 2nd Action effect, her 1st action effect quickly fills the trash with 7 angels while at the same time, trashing your opponent's field, denying him the ener and hand. This effect is also very useful in filling the trash to fulfill conditions such as Mage and Sahohime

Overall a very strong LRIG level 4 which can even be combined with her WX12 level 5 for more tankiness.

Her SIGNI support was also very solid. Mastema is a very good all-rounded SIGNI, easily giving you a +1 card advantage as early as turn 1 while letting you bounce your opponent's SIGNI.

Shemyaza is probably part of the reason why Tawil is so strong now. Her on-play helps you convert your excessive ener to SIGNI while allowing you to activate effects such as fallen Valkyrie or Aphrodite. And her Constant gives your entire field LRIG immunity, bypassing some key responses and LRIG responses and a way to remove your opponent's SIGNI, making all your angels a threat no matter how weak their effects are.

Of course the deck comes with its own limitation. Given how reliant on the trash Tawil is, Hellboros easily stops her, forcing Tawil to clear it or not be able to use her LRIG effects or cards like mage, crippling her offense and defense.

Double Chakram has seen huge plays in Tawil for its many advantages. Not only it allows you to use it consecutively or on different turns to clear level 5 threats like Hellboros or Gabrielt , both very prominent now, its also uses your exceeds, allowing you to skip running key in order to save coins for your level 4's attack phase effect. (Take note her encore isn't an actual exceed effect, so it cannot activate Tawil=Tre, the Opener's effect) 

Also cards like Shemyaza requires you to not to play any of the red, blue and green angels, many of which are really strong, hence forcing your deck into white-black only, preventing you from running ARTS like Grand Cross.

Winning decklist of Tawil 5


Once thought to be "Forever dead and never meta", her new support turned her into a dangerous LRIG to be feared now. Although she cannot repeatedly gain ener anymore on her level 4 LRIG upon summoning a Resona, it is replaced with a far stronger level 4 with 0 grow cost, 2 free coins and a versatile 1-per-turn ability.

Her 1-per-turn Auto ability allows her to increase her resources, become aggressive by bouncing SIGNI or even stack immunity effects on her Resona, making an unstoppable SIGNI that can end your opponent.

Although her Action Attack Phase effect is not used often, it is still a nice backup defense in case she needs it (like fighting Become You Tama decks).

Earth is also one of the Sashe's strongest support to date, not only does it have a constant that forces your opponent's limit to 5, it has an Attack Phase use timing which allows her to be used defensively against your opponent, forcing them to either play level 1 and 4 field instead of boarding greedy boards like 2 level 5s. 

Her Auto effect is also extremely scary, giving every space SIGNI on field Double Crush and Assassin, combine this with things like N7 makes your entire board able to deal lethal damage as high as 4 life cloth.

Pictor is also a strong addition to Sashe’s main deck, although her on-play isn’t exactly the most consistent way to gain advantage, it is made up for her auto which gives the Resona she is used as a cost for LRIG immunity until YOUR NEXT TURN. Meaning that not only can your opponent not use LRIG response against it, they cannot even clear it on their turn, making it a wall against your opponent. This can be combined with Earth, Milky Way and Rukpat to become a LRIG-SIGNI-ARTS immunity monster that has assassin, destroying your opponent’s hopes of stopping her. 

Winning decklist of Sashe 5


Although Hanayo did not get much support to make her overwhelming strong, she still see some plays in the meta, notably her Flathro build. Her new LRIG level 4 on-play allows the easy search for Flathro SIGNIs, which can be brought over to her level 5 defensive 2nd constant. 

Her bet 2 is not only an easy +1 Flathro which again, can be brought over to her level 5, she also gets to banish 1 SIGNI which can be used as a defensively or offensively. Given that the deck has many Flathro cards, you are very likely to succeed in the 3 Flathro condition. 

Flathro warrant officer helps a lot with Flathro’s self milling effects, allowing you to return up to 5 Flathro SIGNIs back to deck and banish a SIGNI with the same level as the number of cards return. This allows you to prevent decking out too fast while increasing Flathro’s aggression. 

Given how easy Flathro clears your opponent field, her Auto allows up to 4 attacks from SIGNIs, increasing the range of damage Hanayo can do. 

Despite all that, she is still overshadowed by the more stronger LRIGs. Nonetheless her support has finally made her somewhat playable enough to top occasionally.

Winning decklist of Flathro Hanayo


Replacing True Feelings in all star builds, Sincerity brings Ril to a whole new level. Whenever you play a Rise SIGNI, you get to add the top card if it's a Valor to your hand, negating the cost of needing to waste a card to rise. Do take note however if you play many spells and guard, this may fail.

Her first Auto effect also allows Ril to be thrifty, saving 1 coin for using Coin Bet ARTS (Although for most topping build so far, none run any sort of such ARTS)

Finally her Attack Phase Action, unless against Guskru or mirror match up, allows her to clear the opponent's whole field easily for just 3 coin, increasing her defensive capabilities.

Although Jeanne is a gorgeous looking card with ARTS immunity, the condition to achieve her immunity isn't solid enough and can be easily cleared by removing any other Rise SIGNI on board. Most decks run 1 copy just in case the situation allows them to finish the opponent off with Jeanne, easily salvaging it using Charles or by retrieving it from deck using Future Ril and/or Enkid.

Charles on the other hand has helped Ril's consistency of salvaging her Rise even more, allowing her to play more 1 copy rise given the easy salvage condition. Her Auto also increases Ril's early aggro, banishing as high as 8000 power SIGNI, a common level 3 SIGNI power.

Winning Decklist of Ril 5


One of the meta LRIGs that got further boosted in Unlimited Selector. Her On-play is an easy +2 while her Auto Attack Phase effect is a costless field and ener destroyer, truly fitting for the jester. Although it cost a hefty 4 coin, Carnival can afford it as she gets 5 coins back after growing to MAIS.

With that said, her attack phase effect can be played around by ensuring that your ener and field have as little variations of SIGNI level as possible, forcing your opponent to not get much value of the coin skill. If feasible, you can even try to board a full level 3 board and he can only clear 1 of your SIGNIs!

Himeko is just another addition to Carnival's level 4 SIGNI which can open SIGNI zones up, although it isn't exactly consistent. Most people uses her on-play ability to replenish their hand or search out Ra, running as little as 2 Himekos in their deck. 

Instead, most players choose to run FX instead as it is a blue generic level 4 SIGNI that can easily open SIGNI zones. Her Action ability allows SIGNI to be cleared main phase consistently given how the entire deck can be treated as level 4s. As she is blue, she helps by increasing the number of cards that can be used to pay Ice Flame Shoot Blue cost, something which Carnival players rely on Squid and guards heavily in the past.

One main weakness of Carnival was the number of level 4 the deck needs to run. Although running more level 1s would help with consistency, it would affect the effects checking for level 4s like Ra. Khepri helps with this problem by being a level 1 that can be treated as a level 4, while also allowing easy early game SIGNI remover and consistent late game remover when combined with MAIS's servant ZERO ability.

Winning decklist of Carnival MAIS, interesting to note is that this same LRIG deck
has been topping consistently by different players.


Finally getting a 0 grow cost level 4, Ultra Aya retains her free trap mechanic while increasing your hand, a straight upgrade from her old Miracle Aya. Her Action effect however will probably see very little use as keeping coins for key effects and her Level 5 are preferred.

Although Biribiri's field effect isn't exactly the best, her trap effect is very strong. If your opponent attacks in the wrong order, he may end up having his entire field banished, creating 3 open SIGNI zones for you to attack in while stopping his attacks. As Trainbomb exist, there isn't a need to play a lot of her to activate her trap effect consistently.

3rd place Aya 5 decklist in a 32 man shop tournament



Einstein is a core in Mama decks now. Her on-play allows you to set the ideal field you need while her Wisdom 11 effect ensures that LRIG responses will not easily disrupt your field, retaining the correct levels on field to trigger wisdom effects. Say goodbye to the old days of Carnival MAIS flipping your SIGNI and defeating you.
Einstein also comes with a very easy to activate Wisdom 9 effect that trashes your opponent's SIGNI, denying your opponent of resources while clearing the board in main phase, very useful against things like Tamamozen and Carnival Key

Wasazan makes Mama's turn 3 even more scary now. Her constant ability allows you to give your entire field lancer, dealing 3 damage to your opponent if not dealt with. This can be combo with Ukaro to ensure things like key won't easily disrupt the combo. Since Wasazan's lancer effect is a gained effect, playing Hyakuyou can help prevent Happy 5 from stopping your offense easily.

Wasazan can also be played with cards like Redpen and Akihaba to do more damage on turn 3, a turn where players usually don't have much response set up.

Both the new cards can be fed under Nightile , allowing her to gain things like LRIG immunity and full field lancer.  

There isn't really much to talk about for Mama's level 4 LRIG since her effects are quite self-explanatory. But a good thing to note is that her Auto effect essentially forces your opponent to banish multiple times or use other ways of response to stop you, adding on the the field's resilience. 

Winning decklist of Mama Mode 4


Gilles is probably the most unique skill in Unlimited Selector, allowing you to use your opponent's ARTS without cost and ignoring use timing. This skill's versatility is huge, not only does it excludes your opponent ARTS in his trash, rendering cards like True Name Mayu and Spirit Salvage useless, it can use your opponent's ARTS aggressively (To open SIGNI zones) or even defensively such as healing your life with Circle of Transmigration or retrieving an ARTS back with Spirit Salvage.

Of course it ultimately depends on your opponent's ARTS and even them playing said ARTS. Things like Hanare can go on delaying opening her ARTS just by using her LRIG and SIGNI responses, making Gilles reliant on your opponent plays. Nonetheless she should not be underestimated and can just turn the game around.

Her First On-play is also really good, you can easily salvage an Anastasia to prevent your devils from getting bounced back to hand while he Constant makes all your devils a threat, forcing your opponent to clear Gilles rather than using effects like Down or Giving "Cannot attack".

Being extremely inferior in defense compared to Scattering Petals, Hell Ulith is mainly used as a in between into growing to her level 5 LRIGs. The On-play allows you to retrieve cards like Enigma Aura from the trash, allowing you to replenish your life cloth with almost 100% guarantee. Her bet 1 effect also allows you to salvage and card, put one card into ener zone and 1 at the bottom of your deck. With this you can reuse your Enigma multiple times while making your deck filled with life bursts.

The fact that you can put a card into ener zone also helps out in growing to nothingness Ulith as you need 3 different colors in your ener zone to grow.  Using her bet 1 effect allows you to choose the missing color you need to put in your ener to grow.

Interestingly, Ulith's bet 1 effect also assists in playground spinner builds. You can send back Nihoningyo back to your deck, ensuring that Okikudoll will not run out of Nihoningyo in the deck to call while putting a card into the ener zone helps to ease the hefty 5 ener grow cost of spinner.

Other LRIGs like Guzuko and Midoriko have also been seen playing playground spinner builds now. With Flycoaster, you can now easily give Nihoningyo total immunity, ensuring that no matter what your opponent does, you will have a near guarantee chance of calling out a Blackjack and sending a barrage of attacks to your opponent with playground's specialty.

Winning decklist of Empty Fortune Ulith


Evolve maiden have increased the number of possible builds Iona have. Although her on-play is a great effect that pluses your hand, the main star of evolve maiden is her attack phase effect. Currently the 2 main targets of her action skill would be Ultima Iona and any of the 3 Mayus. Since we will be talking about the current meta, we will only cover Ultima maiden. 

Firstly we will talk about the attack phase effect itself. The fact that it can be use on attack phase makes it a response itself already. Using it on your opponent’s turn would force both players to choose which 2 SIGNI to remove, but since it’s your opponent’s turn, he will choose first, allowing you to just choose the SIGNI opposite the one your opponent chose to block the attack. Even if your opponent can attack through, a single Saisuper will seal the deal. 

Some Ultima decks even opt to run Become You in order to reach level 5 while your opponent is on level 3 but this build is usually overshadowed by the more defensive builds. 

Currently there are 3 types of key Ultima plays.

The first type runs Layla Key in order to prevent and ener and hand disruption.  With very little way to replenish ener and the fact that you only get to draw 1 card on Ultima every draw phase, your resources are very precious and Layla Key helps to protect it.

The Second type runs Anne Key, which easily stops the entire field while giving you 2 cards to draw. Her constant also allows you to be greedy and play many different color cost ARTS like Giant Killing

For both these keys, Duel Stationery is often run in order to take advantage of the spare exceeds you have. Since your opponent only has one SIGNI at any point of time after you grow into Ultima, a single use of Duel Stationery can stop your opponent's SIGNI field already. With the addition of encore and the ability to stop things like Gabrielt and Arcgain, Duel stationery is an easy pick for Ultima.

The 3rd type of key is unsurprisingly Carnival Key. Her exceed 1 can easily change your field to meet the needs of the situation.

Opponent SIGNI on the other zone? Change it to Queen or ZR!
Opponent SIGNI can bypass your SIGNI? Change it to Gabrielt or Snorop!

In fact by changing it to Snorop, you get to heal a life back if conditions are met, making Ultima even more tanky.

It can also be used offensively to change your SIGNI into Gabrielt. Since most decks are level 5 now, your opponent have at most 4 ARTS response against her. Once he runs out of ARTS, Gabrielt can instantly seal the game without the need to worry of any SIGNI being in front of her.

Macana while strong, with easy banish conditions and can even trade SIGNI with her attack phase skill, is overshadowed by other better SIGNIs. Her attack phase skill is only -12000 and requires you to trash her, easily being stopped if the opponent boards a level 5 SIGNI or clearing her during the main phase, something which is very common now.

Ultimately, better SIGNIs that help defend or generate resources like Queen and Daihouika are preferred. With that said, Macana isn't exactly obsolute and still see play in many of Ultima decks. Its the players burst space and selection choice that ultimately determines how many Macana is played in their decks.

Winning decklist of Ultima Iona


One problem Umr faced was her ener, growing to level 4 would need 3 ener, hurting her tempo considerably. With the new 0 cost LRIG, Umr now need not to waste 3 ener growing. She also has an in-built self banish 1 per turn effect, allowing her to generate even more ener quickly. Since it only targets SIGNI, you can banish cards like guards in other to pay the cost for multi-colored ARTS like Cthulhu Call.

She also comes with a defensive bet response similar to Tawil, allowing her to be more defensive when needed, all the while preventing herself from decking out.

Unlike Joint Struggle Umr, you are not required to play Tawil Key anymore, allowing you to play keys like Carnival key which can be played together with the Yog Sisters and Umr's attack phase bet skill to response to threats with low cost.

Laserdi also improved Umr's early game, allowing you to easily fill your board by searching out cards like Texahammer while giving Umr more minus power effects. She can also search out targets for Aztec like Dagon, Voyni or Oynich, making Umr's early game more consistent. 

Nightgaun provided Umr with a way to clear SIGNIs that prevent power minus such as Fuurai, something which plagues many black and blue decks. She also directly crushes your opponent's life, allowing you to bring your opponent nearer to lethal quickly and end him off.

As expected, since Umr is a trash reliant deck, it is weak to any trash disruption effects like those from Alfou and Hellboros, forcing Umr to clear them with her ARTS or key.

Winning decklist of Umr Orchid


Similar to Sashe, Myuu has now obtain a far stronger level 4 LRIG compared to her previous commonly played one. Her versatile 1-per-turn Action can now be used to generated hand, ener or even open SIGNI zones. To top it off, she now has 0 grow cost, allowing her to easily generate and retain resources for her Resona play conditions.

Ambri Paigi is also not to be underestimated. With a use timing of attack phase and main phase, she can be easily called out in order to transform one of your opponent's SIGNI into a charm. As turning a SIGNI into charm isn't considered leaving the field, cards like Munkarun and Snow Queen's Auto will not trigger, making the opponent's defense slightly less tanky. 

This can be combo with her level 5 in order to banish one of your opponent's Charmed SIGNI, clearing 2 SIGNI easily and potentially blocking the 3rd attack with herself.

She can also be called out for no cost when you grow into level 5, making Ambri an easy must play for Myuu decks.

Madarazou is also a nice addition to Myuu's insect. Both her effect not only helps you to get charms more consistently to trigger many of Myuu's SIGNI effect but also disrupts your opponent's SIGNI zone, removing things like mage and Rigelru to deny them of defensive response from the trash.

Ultimately Myuu suffers the same fate as Sashe that they die to aggressive decks. Needing to go to 5 to set up her defense while only having probably only 2 defensive ARTS/key (most players play 2 Resona) makes Myuu very vulnerable. Although she has access to mage, it sometimes isn't enough to prevent her from losing to rush.

Though what ultimately makes Sashe a dominating LRIG in meta while not Myuu is that Sashe has access to immunities and a aggressive card call Earth, allowing her to finish the game quickly while Myuu needs to play the long defensive game which may sometimes be detrimental to herself instead.

Winning decklist of Myuu 5


One of the strongest LRIG at the moment. Her insane defense and toolboxing makes her one of the most consistent deck now. The 0 grow cost alone helps the deck so much in growing towards level 5 but her own effects are not to be overlooked. 

Her 1-per-turn action similar to Sashe’s new level 4 is versatile:

 1. It can be used to farm more resources 
 2. Increase the virus count after using effects like RS, also helps generate  Botulines token very fast 
 3. Although never used, it can prevent SIGNI like ZR from stopping your attacks. 

Although any coin remaining would usually be kept for her level 5’s action, her Attack Phase action can be a good deterrence and backup against things such as Become You Tama’s Arcgain. 

Tama key allows her to quickly search for important level 1 cards such as Pollen and Mypla or level 3 cards such as Enza, Cholera and Norous while Carnival Key always ensures that you will get out Influ or Botulines. Allowing players to choose between rushing down their opponent with things like Mypla and Norous or generate resource to have a stable game.

Botulines is a beast. Whenever you add a virus, you can increase her token which is used as a defensive response, on average you can easily stack up to 4 tokens per turn. Her having shadow also helps a lot as not only will your opponent have a hard time clearing a defensive response on the field, it ensures you have a target to switch to other SIGNIs like Hellboros using Carnival Key which can further help defend against the opponent with her attack phase action effect. 

Her level 4 SIGNI, Hashof also helps in generating more viruses, which can be combo with Botulines for her tokens. Having a constant effect that prevent Your opponent’s infected signi from activating action is also strong against white decks that uses their Rest-Searches (Valkyrie, Mimosa, etc.) or even mirror matches, stopping your opponent’s Botulines or Hellboros from activating their defensive response. 

Her first constant that minuses 2000 to infected SIGNI although looks minuscule, unless you clear it in main phase, most level 4 and below SIGNI would have a hard time clearing it. It can also be combo with Carnival Key’s on trash effect, turning everything to servent ZERO which is 1000 power, clearing your opponent’s entire field easily (this is further supported by Nanashi 5’s constant of making banished SIGNI go to trash). 

Cholera effect isn’t exactly special. Her on-play does what a lot of Bacteria SIGNI do already but nonetheless it’s good to have more options of adding viruses while her Auto helps you to easily salvage cards like Botulines if needed. Overall just a handy card.

Winning decklist of Nanashi 5


Hanare has gotten some really beautiful art and support. Finally having a 0 grow cost level 4, Hanare can finally grow in peace without fear of grow locking or killing her ener just to grow. Now with that 4 extra ener, Hanare’s defense isn’t left vulnerable on her turn 4. 

Her On-play is also pretty neat, allowing you to add a poison fang SIGNI of your choice while her Action can help clear the opponent’s Hellboros, allowing her to activate Lamia and Mage in trash on her level 4 turn to response while ensuring she gets to salvage 2 poison fangs when she grows to level 5 (Of course this isn’t the case if they board 2 Hellboros, although that is very rare). 

Schmidt is also a very good level 1, forcing your opponent to clear it early or face disrupting their hand, which is detrimental to many LRIGs that require their hand like Piruluk. After all, having a hand means you can board SIGNI early to prevent unnecessary life cloth loss.

Carnival Key can also be played in Hanare 5 even though it uses exceed. By turning one of your SIGNIs into Jormugan, you can potentially block all 3 SIGNI zones by using her attack phase effect to call strong poison fang SIGNIs like Cebor or Inusugina.

Winning decklist of Hanare 5


Drawn by Hitoto*

That is all of the more prominent LRIGs in this meta. Unlimited really shook the meta up, giving some needed quality boost to many LRIGs and making them actually strong. With this many LRIGs in the meta, I'd say that it is quite a healthy meta where not a single LRIG dominates the entire game scene. 

Although we will be back to receiving key format support, fear not as all star meta may still be spiced up by cards in key sets. Just look at cards like Become you and Carnival Key!!

Special thanks to the WIXOSS international discord community for helping out with finding errors and providing insights on some of the LRIGs analysis.

With that I shall end this lengthy post here, hopefully you are now up to date with the meta, see you next time~

(If your LRIG did not appear in this post, its probably either they receive irrelevant support or have never topped consistently enough to validate it being prominent in the meta.) 

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