Saturday, February 23, 2019

WIXOSS PARTY @ Sanctuary Gaming (Somerset) 23/02/2019

Today's WIXOSS PARTY at Sanctuary Gaming saw a turnout of 8 players! Quite a decent number considering there's 2 different WIXOSS PARTY ongoing.

Lucky people

Foils also finally appeared after 2 months of disappearing from normal WIXOSS PARTY! With that here is the top decklist:

1st: Tamayorihime, Miko of White Destruction

See you soon!

WIXOSS PARTY @ TTZone (Hougang) 23/02/2019

Well, turnout for this WIXOSS PARTY was 4 players... so there is nothing much to write about, here's the winning decklist:

1st: Yuki, Full Bloom Miko

Maybe its exam week? See you next time~

Friday, February 22, 2019

Card Games Asia WIXOSS trial deck

Back when WIXOSS was just starting, Takara Tomy decided to promote the game here in Singapore through Card Games Asia 2015. They gave out a demo deck of either a Tama or Hanayo deck in the goodie bag for joining the event.

The contents of the demo deck
Although I call it a demo deck, the deck list is exactly the same as a normal trial deck WXD-01 White Hope and WXD-02 Red Ambition. The cards however have a Card Games Asia logo on it, the event which these decks are specifically made for.

Close up and the card. Everything except the logo and set number is the same.

Comparison between the original trial deck card (Left)
and the event demo deck card (Right)
The front of the 2 extra cards in it.

The back of the 2 extra cards in it.

Interestingly this is one of the 2 instances Takara Tomy tried to promote the game in English, the other time being the Memo type App. Unfortunately, Card Games Asia didn't return anymore, so there wasn't any big Card Game convention where they could really promote the game easily.

Nonetheless it was cool to see how they tried to promote WIXOSS here, which turned out to be reasonably successful. Maybe one day they will try the international market?

Saturday, February 16, 2019

WIXOSS CUP SINGAPORE @ Asobi (Macpherson) 16/02/2019

This week has really been event-filled. Although WXEX-1 Unlimited Selector has been released for all star supports, key format still continues on, with Singapore's very own WIXOSS CUP happening in the same week. 

For an entry fee of 5 dollars, participants will get one of the above Utopia cardboard box containing the promo non-foil WIXOSS CUP guard set, this month's promo pack and some random goodies. Some of these boxes even contain cards that will probably make you happy for the entire day.

Total Players: 23

As with last month, a revive bracket was introduced so that players get to play at least 2 rounds. With that here are the winning decklists:

Revive bracket 1st:  Ril, Memory of True Feelings

Revive bracket 2nd: Yuki, Full Bloom Miko
Winner bracket 1st: Yuzuki Four Commandment, Claw and Fang

Winner bracket 2nd: Piruluk TELOS

A look at the prize for both winner bracket top 1 and 2, its very shiny when you see it in real life!

With that, WIXOSS CUP SINGAPORE has concluded, hopefully more players join in on key format~

(If you would like to read this week's Casual all stars tourney review, click here!)



Life of a Jay

See you soon~

Casual WIXOSS Tourney 15/02/2019

It has been quite a week with one of the most awaited all star booster, WXEX-1 Unlimited Selector arriving and WIXOSS CUP happening in the same week. Unlimited Selector was so well-received that not even packs were left after the first day! And with new support comes players wanting to test their latest deck builds, leading to a total of 14 players joining this casual tourney.  

Players with box 23 are either free byes or special case


The previous photo gave it away already, but the top 2 players decided to share their prize:

Top 2 Share: Nanashi 5

Top 2 Share: Remember Last Night, Star-Reading Miko

Thank you to everyone that came to support the tournament! Do join WIXOSS SG Facebook page for the latest updates on similar tournaments like this. See you soon~

(If you would like to read this week's WIXOSS CUP review, click here!)

Saturday, February 9, 2019

WIXOSS PARTY @ Full Yen Trading (Yew Tee) 09/2/2019

The first party in February! Yewtee WIXOSS PARTY saw a turnout for 16 players. Despite the short notice, quite a number of players did come to play and get more Happy5! With that here are the top 2 decklist:

1st: Ril, Memory of True Feelings

2nd: Yuzuki Four Commandment, Claw and Fang



After party Yusheng, since it's Chinese New Year.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sunday, February 3, 2019

WIXOSS Tupperware

So a rather funny incident that happened during Selector Infected WIXOSS airing. After receiving some WIXOSS cards, Akira's Voice actor, Chinatsu Akasaki, decided to put them in a tupperware for the time being, tweeting the event.

This amusing act soon became a running joke in the community and even the official staffs and card game decided to join in the fun, spawning different references to it.

An Akira Tupper that came with the purchasing Selector Infected WIXOSS BOX 1 at certain stores. 

As a meta joke in Infected's special episode: Midoriko-san and Piruluk-tan

Even becoming a SIGNI card in the game. (Notably, the card's draft design was from Chinatsu Akasaki, the motif idea developed from Tupper -> Young Wife (which handles household items) -> Naked Apron)

The draft design

Its things like this that makes this series so fun to enjoy~