Sunday, December 30, 2018

Deck Review - Become You Tama

I will be doing an in-depth review on my Become You Tama decklist that recently got first in our monthly WIXOSS PARTY. If you have been following topping decklists on twitter, you would realize this is the 3rd variant of such build.

Brief overview

Basically the whole point of the deck is to get to level 4 before your opponent and board an angel field protected by Arcgain's constant and then giving angels effects like double crush, assassin or restand on attack, finally opening Innocence to disable keys, the only LRIG effect response that can touch the angels before level 4. 

The very first variant mainly relied on Requiem and Spirit Salvage to give two Level 4 angels double crush and assassin, coupled with Aiyai key's restand effect to threaten lethal from as high as 6 damage.

The second variant replaced Spirit Salvage in favor of Carnival key to consistently get out Arcgain and sometimes Avenger in order to crush the opponent's life and put them in lethal range, bypassing burst effects from SIGNI's such as To'on. Aiyai key and Become You is still used in here.

Finally comes the third variant which uses mainly keys to achieve what Requiem does. There are advantages that the third variant brings over the the other 2 variants:

  1. The entire combo can be done in as little as 1 ener. Compared to the first variant where 5 ener on average is needed.
  2. It is possible to do everything without using a single ARTS or spell, bypassing Linze's first auto effect and forcing opponent to pay the full cost for Idol Defense and Tama's Flame
There are also disadvantages:

  1. Relies heavily on Promeus. If a SIGNI with higher power than her or  immunity (i.e. Cannot be banished, Shadow, etc.) is placed, the whole combo can be stopped.
  2. Using mainly keys, the amount of defensive response the deck has drops a lot, if a far more aggressive deck appears, there may be a chance that you will lose due to lack of response.
This particular deck list I have created may slightly vary from others due to my preference of LRIG deck lineup. I took most inspiration from a Yuyutei article and Youtube WIXOSS match. With that, I will now look at the individual cards and explain their uses. 


Tamayorihime, Miko of White Destruction
Tamayorihime, Gold Crimson Miko

Level 0-2 is self-explanatory, the total number of coins used will be 5. I choose Level 3 to be Gold Crimsom mainly to allow myself to salvage Promeus with Become You. However going by color percentage in the deck, Thunder Miko may be better. Level 4 is obviously White Destruction for her coin ability - Innocence to disable key effects that give LRIG responses, something which is a big threat to Arcgain.

Become You

Mainly to get to level 4 first so as to ensure no LRIG response can be used against Arcgain. If you went first however, it can be used to salvage Promeus on turn 3 or Arcgain on any turn. Do note that it is best to use Become You before level 4 to ensure you don't open any ARTS on the combo turn, allowing a free Tama's Flame or reduced cost Idol Defense.

Tama's Flame

One of the 2 defensive response aside from HanaMido Key. Since you only need to survive an average of 2 turns before the combo turn, Tama's Flame is an extremely good ARTS that ensures you won't lose to similar combo decks like Yuzuki 2 or Guzuko Samsara.

Hanayo and Midoriko, Combat Girls Type Flame

The other defensive response in the deck. Although you can get it out early to defend yourself, more often than not it is used for its on-play effect only, immediately trashing the key for Aiyai key instead. 
It's on-play effect is really strong, assisting the deck in many ways:

  1.  Giving Promeus double crush, this can be used with Spiritual protection key to increase the lethal range or used on separate turns from Spiritual protection key to ensure you have a backup in case the combo turn failed.
  2. Salvaging either Promeus, Komaris or Fracturing Lust 
  3. Sending threatening SIGNIs like Fuurai to ener zone.
The cost of this key can also be reduced to 1 ener and 2 coins by using Aiyai Key, allowing you to pull off the combos even under ener-starved conditions.

Spiritual Protection of the State

Mainly as a one time used key, you will usually use this key to salvage Promeus or Arcgain and banish a SIGNI. However if you do not wish to give your opponent any ener by banishing their SIGNI, you can instead choose to do a blind discard, maybe dropping his guard to force an LRIG response out of him. The enercharge effect can also be used to fuel HanaMido key's cost in the event you are really short of cards in hand to ener charge on your turn.

The key's auto effect is used to give Promeus double crush.


A staple ever since the first variant of this deck. Mainly to give Promeus restand, allowing a double attack-banish with double crush, turning her into a 4 damage threat alone. Her second constant can also be used to pay heavy cost like Arcgain's on-play or HanaMido key's play cost.

Although there isn't a specific order on which keys to open first, generally you would want to use Spiritual protection key first as you will be trashing the key for its effect.  You would want to keep the other 2 key at the end of the combo as you can use their exceed 2 again next turn.


Arcgain, Archangel of Pioneering
≡Promeus≡, Taboo Flame

The 2 main key cards of the deck. Arcgain will be used to provide the widespread immunity while Promeus provides the aggression and SIGNI remover. Arcgain's on-play can also be used to search Promeus, Clotho or Valkyrie out to dig out the specific combo pieces you need.

Haniel, Thoughts of Seeking
Aglaea, Innocent Brightness
≡Anafiel≡, Divine Flogging

Mainly for early game defense to buffer damage taken and to rush the opponent down, bringing them to lethal range. It is important to note you need not board full field every turn as on turn 4, you can only manual trash once, so having more open SIGNI zones would allow you to do more plays that can assist the combo.

Clotho, Left Thread of Fate
Valkyrie, Unforgettable Fantasy
Get Index

Deck searchers to dig out all the combo pieces you need. Get Index is also important in clearing your field, although it is not recommended to open during the combo turn.

Fracturing Lust

Fracturing Lust is a very good card in this build. It is used to burn your opponent's ener down to 4, ensuring he cannot open a full cost Idol Defense if he has the ener or Fractal Cage, one of the few ARTS that can stop the combo.

Fracturing Lust can also be salvaged using HanaMido key, so you can be at ease even if your opponent discards it or it went into the ener zone beforehand.

Ultimately, the timing on whether to use Fracturing Lust depends on what build your opponent is playing, it is essential to have a rough list of ARTS a specific LRIG would play so that you can predict the odds of which counter ARTS your opponent has.

Komaris, Phantom Beast

Komaris is used to power up Promeus's power, allowing her to banish even higher power targets (most commonly 8k power SIGNIs). Can also be salvaged from trash using HanaMido key.

Hestia, Altar of Sacred Fire

Extra defense in case the combo turn failed.


Metsumi, Fallen Cannon Daughter

Metsumi can be used to mill your opponent's deck so that in the event your opponent rigged a To'on top deck, you can remove it easily. It can also be used to refresh your opponent if his deck is low to prevent cards like recorder from stopping your attacks.

However the most practical usage would be to deck refresh Alfou, this would ensure she cannot use her level 2 LRIG's ability to banish your Arcgain or Promeus, shutting down your combo.

(After nearly losing to Alfou, I shall be putting it in as insurance.)

Hashibiro, Phantom Beast

Although Komaris gives all SIGNIs an extra +5k power, allowing you to board 2 Promeus and turn them into 12k or 2 Komaris and turn 1 Promeus into 17k, the manual trash ruling may get in the way of such combos. This may be cost the game as you may sometimes need a higher power Promeus to banish through high power targets.

Hence Hashibiro can be used to increase Promeus power to 14k easily, allowing you more freedom of playing cards due to the manual trash ruling. The 14k power will also allow you to play around effects like Fuurai copying Karaten's Layer.

As I wanted more level 1 to have the option of boarding field early and the choice of giving 2 Promeus +5k, I went with Komaris instead.

Avenger, Ballista

Avenger can be used to crush your opponent's life during your turn so as to bring them to lethal range. This way of crushing also allows you to bypass life burst also, allowing you to ensure a random To'on burst won't stop your combo.

The downside to playing Avenger is that you would need to play a Weapon-based deck instead, mixing with the angel based needed for the combo which may make the deck unstable.


Overall this deck is rather cheap to make yet threatening enough to bring you wins. HanaMido key and Tama's flame can also be swapped out for other cards if you have difficulties finding it. Of course such decks are also meta reliant, if your locals are filled with Anti Ability players, it is advisable not to use this deck if you want to win. Hopefully with this article, you will come to understand the beauty of aggro decks and their complexity in WIXOSS.

See you next time~.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

WIXOSS PARTY @ Asobi (Macpherson) 29/12/2018

It's Singapore's monthly All Star WIXOSS PARTY. Unfortunately I did not manage to take any picture as I was playing, sorry!

There were quite a lot of aggressive decks today like Eldora 1 stop, Snow Moon Yuzuki and Alfou. With that here are the top 2 deck list:

1st: Become You Tama

2nd: Hanare 5

Hope everyone enjoyed today's PARTY, see you soon!


Dark horse deck that reached top 4


Saturday, December 22, 2018

WIXOSS PARTY @ TTZone (Hougang) 22/12/2018

With the release of WXK05 Rhetoric, all Key Format LRIGs have been given new support. As such a new box comes with a new tournament scene. A total of 7 players participated, with that here are the top 2 decklist for this WIXOSS PARTY:
1st: Tamayorihime, Miko of White Destruction

2nd: Piruluk TELOS

Coming in 1st is Tama. Although there isn't much addition from Rhetoric, Yukime Key has made the deck even more stronger by allowing early bounces  or deck retrival, making the deck more consistent in digging combo pieces or dealing damage in. The key's trash effect also removes 1 of your opponent's key effects, denying them of one of their response. This along with Innocence, removes your opponent's key for 2 turn, which may turn the game's favor in of Tama.

Coming in 2nd is Piruluk. Like Tama, there isn't much change to the deck. But with the addition of Anastasia, her devil SIGNIs can now be prevented from bouncing, preventing white decks from stopping TELOS's constant effect at the same time destroying any bounce response. Anastasia also allows you to open a SIGNI zone by trashing and call her from the trash for just 2 ener, letting you gain an SIGNI to attack while denying your opponent of ener. However it comes with a hefty condition that it is excluded once it leaves the field (Including by your own actions such as manual trashing or ener charging it during ener charge phase).

The LRIG breakdown for today:

1 Tama
1 Piruluk
1 Guzuko
1 Midoriko
1 Yuki
1 Mugen
1 Yuzuki

Hopefully everyone enjoyed the party today. Next Saturday will be our monthly All Star WIXOSS PARTY, see you guys soon~

WIXOSS PARTY @ Full Yen Trading (Yew Tee) 22/12/2018

With the release of WXK05 Rhetoric, all Key Format LRIGs have been given new support. As such a new box comes with a new tournament scene. With that here are the top 2 decklist for this WIXOSS PARTY: 

1st: Yuri Lv4', Vessel of Wisdom Blood

2nd: Ril, Memory of True Feelings

Coming in 1st is Yuri or LoV. With the new ARTS , Illumination of Blood Crystal, Yuri can now defend 3 attacks with just one single ARTS, making her more defensive at the same time allowing her to open 3 holes to attack next turn. This along with her LRIG level 4's constant effect and coin ability, Ultimate Raid makes her a very threatening deck in key format.

Coming in 2nd is Ril. With the new Box topper, HanaMido Key, Ril can now be more aggressive and consistent by using the key to give double crush or salvage her important cards like her Rise SIGNIs. The key's Exceed 2 ability also refunds the hefty 3 ener cost, making it an overall strong key.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed the party today. Next Saturday will be our monthly All Star WIXOSS PARTY, see you guys soon~

Casual WIXOSS Tourney 21/12/2018

A casual All Star tourney was held on the 21st of December 2018. Players either buy a drink or a discounted WIXOSS Box in order to participate in the tourney. Overall it was just a relaxing tourney where players mingle and enjoy WIXOSS. Below are the top 2 winning decklist.

1st: Carnival MAIS

2nd: Liwat=Fyra, Distant Messenger

With the implementation of the latest Mayu's Room restriction list, Geocentrism is now not allowed in any deck. However as seen here, it did not stopped Carnival from being a strong deck, replacing the now banned Geocentrism for Snorop instead. Overall making it a tanky deck.

Despite not receiving much support since WX22, it looks like Liwat is still holding the fort against most All Star decks, showing its massive power as a control deck.

Hopefully everyone had a fun day, do join WIXOSS SG facebook page (link on the right of the blog) for more events like this. See you soon~

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

WIXOSS PARTY dates (December 2018)

Rhetoric releases on the 20th this month, looks like December's WIXOSS PARTYs will be following Rhetoric meta instead. Be sure to upgrade your decks by then~

Saturday, November 24, 2018

WIXOSS PARTY @ Asobi (Macpherson) 24/11/2018

A total of 22 players showed up for this WIXOSS PARTY. Although with the introduction of WILES which brings about the much anticipated Carnival Key and Liwat key, most player's deck do not see much of a change yet.

Scammer showing his loots

Here are the top 2 decklist that won this WIXOSS PARTY.

1st: Carnival MAIS

2nd Place: Hanare 5

It looks like with the introduction of Layla Key, most ener burning and effect damage decks have disappeared. This allowed more defensive decks running extremely greedy ARTS like Idol Defense and effects like Anne key and 4 Lamias to go unpunished, defeating other decks through their sheer defense.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed this all star party. See you next time~

Saturday, November 17, 2018

WIXOSS PARTY @ Full Yen Trading (Yew Tee) 18/11/2018

Participants and their LRIG

Pairings for the day

1st: Midoriko, Golden Girl Type Four

2nd: Yuki, Full Bloom Miko

Sunday, November 11, 2018

WIXOSS PARTY @ Sanctuary Gaming (Somerset) 11/11/2018

1st: Tamayorihime, White Destruction Miko

Turnout: 9 players

See you next time~

WIXOSS PARTY @ TTZone 10/11/2018

1st: Allos Piruluk 5,

Turnout: 10 players

With the new release of WILES, 4 new LRIGs have entered into the key battles. Despite that, the previous few LRIGs are still showing results that they are capable of fighting against them in this WIXOSS PARTY. This will be an interesting meta so do look forward to the results.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

WIXOSS TRICK OR TREAT Halloween @ Asobi (Macpherson) 29/09/2018

A special WIXOSS Tournament in line with Halloween. Upon registration, players will randomly select a ball in 2 boxes containing one TRICK and one TREAT which they will have to follow throughout the event. Below are the possible TRICK and TREAT one could obtain this event.

The event's turnout was a successful full house (32 players). Players were given a choice to register between All Star or Key format and the entry gift given are the usual party pack and a Chibi Eternal Starter (Registering with Key format grants them an extra congratulation pack as the entry gift).

The entire day was filled with madness as everyone played with the different rulings they had obtained. Some having good combinations that assists their decks while others having bad TRICK or TREAT pulls that cripples their decks.

With that the following 2 decks emerged victorious in the midst of this chaos to win themselves the extremely limited Mel and Nanashi Key Congratulation cards:

1st: Nanashi, That After

2nd: Allos Piruluk N

With that the special tournament has come to a close. We hope everyone had a fun time playing WIXOSS in a different way. See you next time~